The origin of San Luis began with the emigration of families from the Central Valley in the 1920s, in order to occupy new productive lands. Little by little, the number of families had increased and the difficult living conditions in the area had improved. Initially, families would cultivate subsistent food and travel to Puntarenas and Abangares Juntas on either horseback or on foot in order to sell their agricultural products, buy medicines, clothes, food, etc.
Since the 1960s, many changes have been made to the community as well as important advances in the educational aspects such as the construction of two neighborhood schools, improvement of the neighborhood roads and the opening of new sources of income (coffee and milk). Currently the community is made up of three sectors: El Bajo de San Luis, INVU and Alto de San Luis. In total, the population adds up to approximately 80 families, 350 people.
The history of each town are as straightforward as an open book; the pages in these books are filled with the faces and voices of their grandparents, children and the young men and women. Very familiar in San Luis, you are most likely to come across farmers calling onto their livestock in the hills, singing from the coffee pickers in the farms, and baskets of fruits that are of many colors and flavors. These books contain many blank sheets ready to be written on with the visions and fruits of the new generations. Even when they are asleep, the memories will always remind us where we come from and who we are.
The purpose of the Association of Development of San Luis is to open a general site of information about our community by using the Internet to our advantage as well as a incorporate this new opportunity to help us to remember our origins. In order to convey an important message to the next generations of the San Luis community, it is important to recognize how distinguished the towns’ situation is and how admired it is by its visitors and neighbors through the work, humbleness and cooperation for the common good of all its neighbors. It does not mean that San Luis is a paradise without rough spots. We also carry the footprints of ignorance, poverty and pain that we cannot hide nor deny but in the end, a very important reminder is that each family of San Luis has walked their own journey and endured their own struggles that made them who they are today.